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Tokens of Servitude
Suffer not long the tokens of servitude desperately seeking twilight and outrage, for we are not lost upon the battlefield, only gaining our perspective again.
Faith Undisturbed
Leave the way where rocks and thorns deter the path, keeping the faith undisturbed.
Catching the Wind
When water and wind overwhelm and the road is full of thorns, see with your inner sight.
Vibrations of Holiness
Filtering the light that bathes our being unfurls powerful and delicate vibrations, magnificent energy, magnificent vibrations of holiness.
Dawn’s Pure Holy Light
Angels gather in the darkness to bathe the world in dawn’s pure holy light.
Holiness in the Garden
I sit in the garden . . . and in the tender crevices in the labyrinths of my mind where gentle breezes let the holiness of the moment move me toward peace.
Sweet Waters of the Soul
Waters of the soul bequeath a tender memory of holiness when the arid sands of futility desiccate the ground of our being.
Sacred Dreaming
Begin the day longing for the holiness, blessings, and sacred dreaming from what joy glows in everlasting consciousness.
Finding the Light
Superb are the days of holiness when nothing can come that deters me from the Light.
When Holiness Happens
The veil between this world and the next grows thin when holiness happens.
Fullness of Spirit
Fullness of spirit cannot be broken in the aftermath of our travails. We are undone again and again, only to be remade with greater awareness of ourselves, our hears, our souls.
Whittled Away
The canyons, bit by bit, shall be whittled away, becoming sand that travels to the ocean on mighty rivers, and pushed into new mountains.
As Dawn Begins
As the night ends and dawn begins a new day, the vestiges of the pearls of yesterday begin to glow again.
A Path Forward
The roads disappear: we wander endlessly, and slowly the path forward becomes clear again.
Delicate Crown
Subtle changes begin, then arrange themselves in a pattern that we can see.