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The Soul At Peace
Take a breath and then another and remember your soul in your heart. Therein peace glows.
Creation’s Masterpiece
The summer sun setting calls her children to witness a glorious firmament above, creation’s masterpiece twinkling above.
Emerald Pool
Splinters all dressed up in nature’s gorgeous attire, stir longings of the soul; abiding pools of eternity dwell in the soul and above.
Delicate Threads
Heavenly wonders trace delicate patterns of eternal peace among those whose hearts are heavy and discouraged.
Milky Way Swan
Soft music plays when in the night sky the wonders of all creation call out to the sky; make time to speak your truth for you are a wonder of creation.
Island Universes
Come bless the earth surrounded by the heavens whose music wraps us in Nature’s gift – sustenance of the soul for which we hunger and thirst.
Nature’s Light Show
Blessed are the waters sparkling with the splendor of melted suns so gilded and complete, streaming endlessly for all eternity.
Illuminating the World
First light dawns in the canyon of our dreams, illuminating the world in quiet radiance.
Quiet Glow
Radiance springs from with the soul, cascading through the heart, and spilling forth into the universe.
Radiant Beams
A radiant beam in the meadow enshrouded in the mists of autumn found its way within the darker passages of my mind and cleared away debris from past storms.
Arranged In Glory
Blessed are the skies arranged in glory of unfathomable depths whose radiance returns with the dawn.
Radiant Awareness
We are blessed and sustained with endless experiences of radiant awareness, the superfood that reminds us of who we are.
Glowing Radiance
Glowing radiance imbued with soft splendor opens windows to eternal wonder.
Radiant Morning
With what joy does the morning spring upon us, welling up in all her glory, delicious, pristine, beckoning, and jubilant.
Laying The Course Gently
Lay the course gently now, waiting to unfold deeper swells of unending love.
Tangled Passion
Huge waves of tangled passion fling themselves upon the beaches in winter’s fury, but return gently freed.
Passionate Whistling
A long slow note sings whilst there are rivers whose waters dance in sun’s first light – a passionate whistling.