It’s A Mirror
Emerald Pool
Janice DeCovnick
Imagine heaven. Imagine a place where no two things are unrelated. Imagine a moment that lasts an eternity. Imagine a world that exists eternally in a twinkling. Imagine a dimension which is as different from our own asit gets. Imagine a point of pain. Now imagine a point of joy, of love, of peace, of nurturing. Now imagine a place where every point of pain was a source of learning and every point of joy was a source of learning also. Imagine a place where every point of pain was surrounded by love and peace until the pain dissolved forever. Imagine a place where you could learn anything you wanted, anything that bothered you could be discussed. Imagine a place where nothing is hidden, where everything is understood, a place where nothing could not be dreamed.
Sun Sparkle
Have you ever watched the sun set out over the ocean, where the sparkle on the water was blinding, where the sparkle filled up the water? What if each of us was a sparkle? What if the sparkles joined together, filling one another with joy? What if we filled one another with love? What if all those sparkles together filled one another with peace? What if we all nurtured each other endlessly? What if all that love and all that joy and all that peace is endlessly streaming between heaven and earth? Between our three dimensional universe and a dimension of consciousness we call heaven?
One day I sat playing in the sandbox in my backyard. I was nine years old at that time. A thought occurred to me: “I’m so lucky to be born in California. I could have been born in India or in Africa in a life of poverty.” I envisioned how hard life might be on the banks of the Ganges. Or how hard it might be somewhere in Africa where food and water were scarce. I hardly knew how hard it would be, but I knew quite gratefully that living under the sun in a middle class home in the suburbs of California was comparatively living in the lap of luxury. Flash forward fifty years and there was a sense that I had arrived on this planet in just the right spot. Flash forward another ten years and the implication of that childhood thought hit home: I was a being with consciousness that could live anywhere.
On earth, consciousness is embodied and grows. In heaven, consciousness is disembodied and grows. It all depends on where we are as to how that consciousness grows. Experiences help us grow on earth. Good experiences and hard ones. The good experiences teach us good ways to be. The hard ones help us understand suffering. The good experiences teach us what helps. The hard ones help us learn empathy, how to make things better, and what can make them worse. In heaven, the situation is somewhat different. Imagine learning, imagine growing from seeing yourself in the mirror. Imagine the mirror reflects every experience of consciousness, both the good ones and the hard ones, with complete empathy, with love, with peace, with nurturing. Imagine learning from other beings with consciousness who are hugely empathic, loving, deeply peaceful, who nurture endlessly. Imagine learning from other such beings how to live in tune with the universe endlessly.
Learning flows between heaven and earth, in both directions: these two dimensions learn from one another. On earth, we learn how to behave, how to solve problems, how to grow the soul. We turn to heaven when we need to learn these things. In heaven, the beings of consciousness learn from us on earth what works and what does not, how society is changing, how the earth is changing, the latest events that shake our world, the successes and failures we take to heaven in prayers. Prayer is a two way highway. When heaven and earth commune, we learn most directly from heaven’s mirror.
Heaven and earth commune when we pray or make efforts to talk to God, when the earth blesses us and we are aware of that blessing, when we are foolish and then say sorry. Heaven and earth commune when we are lost and in need of help and ask for it. Heaven and earth commune when hope is needed, when protection is needed, when answers are sought. When eternity spills forth, when light pours forth, when the waters roll endlessly, when the stars come out at night, heaven and earth commune. When heaven and earth commune, the world is a better place to be.
Have you ever sat on a rock in the sunshine and watched a pool of water? The pool became a mirror and you found yourself looking at you, at you in the mirror. You found yourself in the mirror. You saw your beauty and your flaws. You saw what was good and what was not right. You saw what was profound and what was shallow in you. Heaven is a two way mirror. It is a mirror in which you can see who you are, your beauty and your flaws, what is good and what is not right, and what is profound and what is shallow in you. On the other side of this mirror, we are seen as in a pool of water. We are seen by a greater consciousness than our own, one that is loving, peaceful, and nurturing, and that reflects upon itself as well.
So how does that consciousness see us? There are three ways that I am aware of, probably more. With great care and compassion. With profound peace. With endless nurturing. This consciousness sees itself in us. This consciousness sees its own beauty and its flaws, just as it sees our own. This consciousness sees what is good in itself and where the further growth is needed, just as it sees these things in us. This consciousness sees what is profound in itself as well as what could be more profound, just as it sees these things in us.
Perhaps heaven is the dimension that is our mirror, a dimension where we conceive what we might be, that helps conceive us, loves us, where we can experience ourselves and one another with great peace, where we learn to nurture ourselves and one another. Heaven is a dimension of consciousness that does all this eternally. Heaven is where diamonds of such profound consciousness are sprinkled liberally. In a two way mirror.